Friday 9 September 2016

Week 1: Briefing & Ideas Feedback

Music Video Production Tips

Today, Luke, the Centre of Knowledge for Music Video Production at Hurtwood House, gave us a talk on all the do's and don't's of Music Video Production.
I noted down all the points that I felt were necessary for myself to remember during the production process.

Approach the production as a real production company that is doing their best to market their artist and their track to make as much money as possible. Focus on the website and digi-pack just as much as the video itself. Evoke the feeling of the song and the character of the band in one.

Use the following:
Incomplete narrative - encourages multiple in depth viewings to be able to understand it
Specific visual graphic quality - makes it distinctive (stand out)
Correspondence with and communication of the star image to the audience

e.g: Alt-J - alternative, strange, different, creativity and artistry-focused

Presenting Music Vid Concepts

Today, I presented my 3 Music Video Concepts to my class. Following my presentation, I received feedback from my class and teacher...

  • Shot of window through other window is not possible. Green screen could potentially work but would look unprofessional.
  • Need more elements to the video (add performance elements - vocals/drums/dancing) to take up 3 minutes.
  • Strong narrative

  • For it to work, it has to be outrageous enough to be funny. For example...

However, I don't want it to be as spoofy as this video - I want the video to look as professional as possible.
  • Our school doesn't look like a school, so may need a different shoot location.

  • Scenes need more depth in order to get more shots out of them (adding performance elements like drums).
  • Shots are practically easy to put together and look aesthetically pleasing.

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