Monday 30 November 2015

Thriller: List of Iconography to Use

1) Family Photos - Framed pictures of a cast family featuring the victim (son) and couple photos of the son with his wife.

2) Paint Pots - used pots of paint and brushes sitting on the inside of the door.

3) Broken Mirror - cracked mirror hanging on the wall with small drips of blood on the shard edges.

4) Lots of Post - days of post/letters on the floor, by the door, addressed to the victim.

5) Answer Phone Messages 
Day 1
a) Message from mother of victim calling in about their holiday, enjoying it, cocktails, beaches, if he wants anything from Spain etc. Explaining there's food in the fridge, do the washing etc. (9am)
b) From mates asking if victim is still up for going out on the "lash" (for a pint at the local pub) tonight. Caller assumes victim is going to come. (2pm)
c) Victim's boss calls in asking him to come in to work tomorrow as boss needs extra help / big order etc.

Day 2
a) Mates call in asking where he was last night - it was a great night etc.
b) Girlfriend asks victim why he isn't picking up his mobile, she hopes he's ok, she'll see him soon, she loves him etc.
c) Dentist reception calls up saying victim missed his appointment and he needs to reschedule.
d) Parents call again and they're getting worried about why he isn't calling back, they miss him, reminding him to feed the cat, they start to panic. 

Day 3
a) Boss calls in very angry, asking where he was on Day 2, he gets fired etc.
b) Girlfriend calls, she's fretting and worried about where he has been, she wants to know if he's safe and if he still loves her, she sounds very teary etc.
c) Mother calls up late very worried, in tears, needs to know if he's ok, the dad's getting angry at her, drinking a lot, the holiday has got worse etc.

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