Friday 27 November 2015

Brand New Idea

Today, my group and I came up with a fresh new idea for our Thriller Opening Sequence.
Set in a normal house. A camera tracks through the house and slowly up the stairs. 

The camera continues tracking low showing blood under a door...

Continues into the bedroom lined with white dust-sheets/ tarpaulins, with an increasing mount of blood on the floor. The camera then reaches the side of the white bed (dripping with blood) and tracks up the side to reveal a close up of a drained bloody dead face. 

This whole sequence is one entire continued shot through the house, using a steady cam. Then it cuts to a birds-eye view shot of the body lain on the bed covered in blood, with blood thrown everywhere. 

During the first half of the sequence, various answer-phone messages play in the background, from friends/family/employers/etc asking where a certain person was. 

As well as this, lots of hinting props are shown during the track through the house. For example, family photos featuring the victim, a broken mirror, and buckets of paint and a brush, etc. 

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