Wednesday 18 November 2015

Group Thriller Sequence Development 1

Genny's Initial Idea
This consisted of an opening featuring an autistic or mentally unstable boy that was dreaming of multiple ideas for murdering a boy he knows. He is sitting at his desk, in his bedroom, staring at a blank wall. We are sent to a flashback-type scene. This flashback will consist of one of the other thriller ideas from our group member that we select.

Flashback Ideas
Jonty: My thriller Idea 3, when a man carries a dead body through the woods and buries it / burns it.
Chris: A man drags a body up to a car and shoves it into the boot.
Lauren: A "Jack The Ripper" type character builds up to murdering a woman.

Opening (Reality Setting)
Set at a teenage boarding house where a disco/party is taking place in a common room. 

The song "September" by Earth, Wind and Fire is playing loud. There is a quick close-up of a boy dancing (who is later featured as the victim). The camera moves up stairs - down a dark corridor ...

- and into the bedroom of the boy, sitting alone at his desk. The bass from the song downstairs can be heard (contrapuntal music). 
He is tapping his pen very fast, quietly whistling the song, "September". 
We are then sent to the scene of the murder, and the music fades to nothing. 

Murder (Jonty's Setting)


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