Sunday 4 December 2016

Week 12: Focus Group for our 3 Products

Our focus group took place today - we successfully received some eye-opening feedback, although the group was very shy, and so, not as many thoughts were put across as we'd hoped.

Here are the notes I took during the session:

Moving forward, we have identified the key representations of Ramoso's Star Image as modern, partying, cool and sexy. Therefore we need to make sure that our products (the website and digipak especially) strongly represent these ideas.

The response from our focus group circulates around the motions that: 

  • The digipak design needs to be slightly darker or more modern and minimalistic to match the style of the website and video. 
  • The shots of Gareth on the website and digipak need to feature him wearing more modern clothes (better representing electronic music). 
  • The fonts and clip art on the website needs to suite the style of EDM better. 
  • The website needs some stills of the artist performing/DJing "live".
  • The stills should have coloured filters instead of black & white.

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