Sunday 6 November 2016

Week 8: Final Prep for Shoot Day

Over the last few days, my group and I have done lots of last minute preparation for the shoot day.

Emailing the Makeup Artist

David emailed our assigned makeup artist from outside of school in order to brief her on the looks we would like for each cast member and what times we would need the makeup to be done.

Checking on Costume and Props
We went to the studio to check that our costumes had been delivered. This included the 2x blue, 2x red, 3x white dungarees, +1 crown. We also tried them on to see if they would fit our cast well.

I went to collect the keyboard stands from the Director of Music at our school and stored them in the studio with the costumes, along with my drum pad. We also checked that the Media Dept had a keyboard ready to use for our shoot as well as a mic and stand.

Talking to Teachers
My group and I spoke to the media teachers the day before our shoot to make sure we were all prepared for the different sections of the shoot. Luckily, we could rectify the fact that the teachers had forgot we wanted to use a projector in one section by collecting a projector from IT. 
The teachers also gave us some last minute tips for shoot day:

  • stay calm
  • look after ur cast, makeup artist, and crew - keep them happy
  • stay hydrated
  • focus on everything but cinematography before the shoot
  • prioritise simple wide/mid/closeups before getting creative
  • be aware of continuity

Shooting Drum Pad for Projection video
David and I went to the recording studio to shoot some footage of the Drum Pad being played. We are going to use this footage to project onto the lead singer while he lip-synced. We turned off the lights in the room to have the full effect of the LED drum pads.
Here is a clip of the footage we got...

Learning How to Use the Black Magic Cameras
We went to Paul, one of the Media Studio Technicians, to ask him to teach us the basics of how to use the Black Magic cameras, as we had never used one before.
Here are the notes I made...

List of Shot Ideas
I spent some time the night before our shoot to put together a short list of creative shot ideas for the video.

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