Monday 28 September 2015

Studio Lesson 2: Filming Sequences & 180 Degree Rule

In our lesson today, we learnt how to film small sequences in the TV Studio with the cameras we used the other day (NX5, FS10 & 5D). 

180 Degree Rule
When filming a specific subject from different angles using different shots, the cameraman/director has to make sure each shot is within the 180* zone of the subject. This keeps the continuity of the subject(s) in terms of their position on the screen. For example, If you film two characters having a conversation, you have to keep the character on the right, always on the right, and the same with the character on the left. This way, the audience won't get confused with which way the characters are looking. Another example is a car driving past the camera. If it goes from left to right for the side on shot, it needs to left to right in every other shot. In order to keep this continuity, the cameraman cannot cross the path of the car. Otherwise it would move right to left. Simple!

Different Shots
When filming a sequence, different shots are used for different parts of the action. For example, when someone walks in and picks a phone up off the table, puts it down and walks away, traditionally, you start with a wide shot as they walk in, then a medium when they lean over, then a closeup of the phone being picked up, and so on and so forth. 

This is one of the most important parts of the shooting process for a feature film or TV program. There are even staff assigned to check the continuity for each scene and each shot. When you think about it, things like food, drink, makeup, and being rained on. These all have to be reverted and matched for each shot.

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